Gabions Products
- Military Gabions
- Hot Dipped Galvanized Gabion Mesh Cells
- Welded Mesh Gabions Architectural Wall Cladding
- Gabions (Gabiony)
- Galfan + PVC Coated Gabions
- Gabion Mattresses for Flood Protection Embankment
- Planted Gabion Walls
- Gabions and Geotextiles for Bridge Construction
- Gabion Basket Hot Dip Galvanized
- Gabions P. V. C. Coated Galvanised Wire Box
- Gabions River Training Works
- Geotextile Fabric
- Woven Wire Mesh Cages for Gabion Project
- Gabion Fence
- Welded Gabions Coating Galfan
- Gabion Baskets Double Twisted Galvanized
- Triple Twisted Wire Mesh Gabions
- Gabion Box
- Woven Gabions
- Gabion Baskets
- Wire Mesh Gabion Mattress
- Gabion Cages (Stone Box)
- Gabion Wall
- Hexagonal Gabions Netting
- Gabions Machine
- Welded Gabions
- Sack Gabions
- Reinforced Gabions
- Gabion faced reinforced soil walls
- Gabion Mattress
- Gabions for Water Conservancy
- Gabions for Bridge Protection System
- Gabion Wall Drop Structures
- Modular Gabions as Architectural Elements
- Gravity Wall of Gabions
- Gabions for Headwalls or Wingwalls
- Channel Linings
- Modular Gabions for Rockfall Netting System
Channel Linings GI Gabion Mesh - Basket Gabions for Channel Lining
Gabions are the frequent choice for channel design solutions and there are several reasons for selecting gabions for channel lining projects:
First, gabions provide an economical and quick onsite construction;
Second, gabions work can ensure functional and structural integrity of the channels;
Less run-off volumes by using gabions allowing water infiltration;
Gabions are permeable, do not prohibit the growth of vegetation;
Gabions channel linings stabilize soil and allow plants the opportunity to take root and grow.
Gabions constructed of welded or twisted wire are the common materials used for lining channels.
River Bank Drainage Gabion Channel Lining
Gabion channel can be used in river drainage system, river bank protection and embankment. Gabion mesh to be used in river made of 4mm HDG wire & 150mm opening each side. Gabion baskets to be used in river bank lining for stone are made of 8 SWG HDG(275g/m2) wire, opening hexagonal 150 x 150mm, basket size 3 x 3 x 3.
The gabions shall be flexible P.V.C. coated and galvanised wire boxes fabricated of wire mesh hexagon opening.
Gabions constructed of welded or twisted wire are the common materials used for lining channels. Vertical wall channels utilize rectangular shaped gabion baskets for the side walls and gabion mattresses for the channel bottom.
Channels with sloped side walls are usually lined with gabion mattresses on the slope sides and bottom